Expertpath Participated in BPR Project for CRM & Billing as a sub-contractor with NTG Clarity, Expertpath Resources were worked intensively in designing the To-Be Procedures for Sales, Call Center, Marketing, Retention& Loyalty, Billing, Order Handling and Service Management for Both of STC HBU and PBU based on the eTOM structure. Expertpath with NTG Clarity follow the below methodology in project implementation

  1. Identify Processes: We bring together a cross functional team to develop a comprehensive understanding of your core business requirements and objectives.

For the business processes, we examine:

    • Tasks and sub-tasks
    • Information and material used and produced
    • Human and technical resources
    • Related cost and value
  1. Map and Analyze the As-Is: Create activity and process models, simulate and perform ABC, and identify disconnects and value adding processes.
  2. Design To-Be Processes: Benchmark processes. Then design and validate To-Be processes. Perform Trade-Off Analysis.
  3. Test and Implement To-Be Processes: Implementation plan, prototype simulation, initiate training programs and implement transition plan.

Review and Improve: Initiate ongoing measurement, review performance against target, continuously improves. 


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